The clouds are rolling in,
laden with heaven's anointing waters,
and the air is charged with the heat
of a wonderful late spring day.
Together the elements merge as bolts
of lightning spark across the sky,
...followed by the deep rumbling thunder...
Magic is in the making,
as we stand gazing up toward the heavens,
with our eyes and mouths wide open,
while drops of rain fall on our faces
and the mystical air rushes in
to fill our souls with its spirit.
We receive the goodness of this energy
and drink with nature the renewing freshness of life:
Beautiful is God's creation.
And how lovely that we share this time together,
as we are lifted into the sky
and soar above the clouds to touch
Heaven's out stretched wings.
Together we are carried into the world
of visions and imaginings
and the fulfillment of our determined dreams.
Sweet is this song of Joy:
Floating on the eagle's feathers,
together we make our way across the sky.
© by Rhythmik '97
