I know your dreams are gonna be A-mazing tonight,
Eclipsed by the call of the wild, entreated with delight.
Flow with these thoughts. Wander with me, start exploring,
Upon our endless adventure, all through the night into morning.
Not long enough,
For the two of us.
We think so much alike, yes we do...
The music that fills my heart plays for you.
You are the sweetness; I am the beholder.
The sweetness of yours, grows ever bolder.
I give my all to you,
To accept and relish true;
So grab hold of it,
Like a Coney Island Hot Dog, never get over it.
You are such fun to be with...I so enjoy your company
You give life's joy to me...
You're sweeter than honey.
You know I treasure your company, your friendship...
You, who holds my magical heart, are one with me, true kinship.
Your smile, your laugh,
Your wit, and class.
Your enjoyment of life,
Your art, your style,
Your residing touch,
Your Right Mind turns my dial.
We work together well.
We hum so much,
Until we start to swell,
Held tight inside your clutch.
Each playing off the other,
We click.
Circles of ripples meeting in the middle of my true lover,
We stick.
Springing forth into the tepid stream of rushing words,
Concentric all through and through, throughout both worlds.
Skipping stones, gliding along, between just we two,
Splashing dazzles of light all across life's flowing river from me to you.
Leaving an impression upon our hearts with each touch,
Sincerely placing all my care into the moments we two share,
These lasting impressions are forever a joy so much,
To review and live again new, a natural fact, oh, they surely are that.
Each and every kind:
A special place,
A special time,
A special feeling,
Each has a home within my mind.
Never to worry that we should folly on our course,
To somehow make a moment turn for the worse...
Not to fear the abandonment, that such would cause,
Nor the pain caused by imagining such a tragic loss.
Never to suppose we should become mundane,
And lose love's luster to something plain,
Cast away as something too trite, becoming a by gone way,
Surrendered unvogue by some other mysterious fey,
Never to be crushed with envy nor shame as our fate,
No, let not anything be our shame,
That could take your comforting away.
Think not this ramble to be vain,
For 'tis my heart sincere,
Forever true to you I remain,
For you are my love dear.
Never shall our well of passion run dry,
Not now, nor shall it happen by and by.
Our love will not change between you and me,
Forever Sweet Hearts, true loving friends we shall be.
My love for you pours out from me⎯laced in rhyme;
You enrapture me deeply, causing chills to run up my spine.
You make these my words flow forth in rhyme,
You capture my heart again time and time.
Times cherished, times beloved,
Times the moment equals your true love.
I am no poet; this is surely true...
I think your words flow to me,
And I send them back to you.
To the Root and Square the Cube,
Synergistic becomes our bond so true.
Every now and then, I get a burst of wit,
I know not where it comes from, but it seems to fit.
I always smile, for you fill my soul,
And turn me inside out and warm my heart all aglow.
I thank you dearly for all you are about,
Throughout eternity without a doubt,
I shall treasure you with ever lovin' purple passion⎯Paramount!
You make me glow with your energy,
Trips to Paris, mazes, and concentric symmetry.
I treasure every moment adoring you, what a rush!
Crazed by the day, amazed through the night,
Affection's torrid passion takes us in flight.
Ride the wind, sail the sea,
Charter the course to our destiny.
We be two together in perfect harmony.
Play the tune, sing the lead,
And solo in duet with me⎯plant the seed.
Balance the volume,
Tweak the bass,
Tickle the treble,
Face to face.
Smile in stereo,
Keep the pace,
And dance with me⎯the Bolero.
The music of my heart fills a racing beat,
Kindled by flames of passionate heat.
Treat you dearly, kind, and sweet...
Kneel before you and kiss your feet.
Soak your love up to quench my thirst,
Emotions run wild 'til verging to burst.
Rapid running,
Lusciously tonguing,
Turns on the intimate humming.
I know when enough is enough...
You keep my libido in your secret hush.
Tell me of your nights...do you dream sweet?
Do you sleep tight...is there sensuous delight?
I love cuddling and cradling you from behind,
Wrapping my arm around you and caressing your breasts and thigh:
Nude we were, the two of us,
In the purple satin sheets of happiness.
Wet became my eager yearning,
Pressed inside you⎯fire's burning.
Rocked you steady fast to sleep,
And amid the pleasure I went deep.
All the love was a dream of sleep,
Flowing inside your loving keep.
Soothed and caressed, words so tender...
Desires fulfilled in purple passion's splendor.
Aroused by this, interrupted by none,
Now we're off to the ball for more royal fun.
Penthouse ecstasy, champagne on ice.
"Oh yes!" chocolate treats and everything nice.
Room service in the night,
Eating in bed by candle light.
Huge oval jet spray tub,
With lots of scented bubbles,
Oh, the sweet fragrance of love.
Whether real or imagined, you fulfill my every dream,
Forever and ever you'll be my peaches and cream.