From whence you came, among the stars to be,
Were gendered images within the Vault,
But here you're beyond the Vault's imagry,
Inside the minds' vast orbital gestalt.

Realize the vortex of unified dreams!
The Vault is but a mere closet portal,
One among innumerous vivid schemes.
Thank the Meister Architect for them all!

He's Visionary, profoundly esteemed,
A monastic sage, atop his mountain,
Who creates this Universe, so pristine,
And thus flows his heart, an endless fountain.

~~Dedicated to Ryk
From your forever friend...
Copyright © by Rhythmik, 3 February 1999, All Rights Reserved.

Image used by permission from Eric Knight Holbrook and obtained from his site at www.ekholbrook.com

This Site was last Updated on 13 September 2009.
Artistic Content By RHYTHMIK